Introducing billyBOOMs®, hand-made wooden boomerangs by Canadian artist Bill Wrigley. Each boomerang is a one-of-a-kind creation that Bill has fashioned painstakingly and perfected after exhaustive research and field testing. No two boomerangs are alike in shape, paint design, aerial performance or range of flight, yet all are true boomerangs, some having flown so perfectly well that they were caught on their maiden flight.
All boomerangs in Bill's catalogue are constructed using the finest quality, aircraft-rated 5mm Finnish birch plywood and painted in acrylic and oil. The obverse, or upper face, is decoratively painted, while on the reverse is stamped the catalogue and flight performance number, and both are double-coated in clear paint. All are guaranteed to fly correctly and return with a little practice. Bill has thrown thousands of times and has caught every boomerang in this catalogue to ensure its inclusion here. Click the images below to see them enlarged. Each has information on the bottom of the pic that identifies that boomerang's specific catalogue number, name, weight, wing span, range, and year it was made. They are not to scale.